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Web camera software senses motion, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

I'm using webcam software. I
can broadcast Ip video to view my room
from anyplace.

Web camera software senses movement, triggers alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

With my new

camera software
, I can run a broadcasting show
of my room visible online. This opens up a group
of opportunities, the surface of which has not even been scratched in today's world. I can use
this webcast for surveillance purposes, allowing me to watch what's going on in my room
at any moment from a remote viewing computer.

As long as I have the web camera
running and a remote station with Online access, I can watch the home.
With the software and the camera, I can change the options to capture picture,
identify activity (if I don't want to keep the webcam running at all times),
or use a combination of a live feed and recorded video to realize a protection
system that takes full advantage of recent technology.

With a capture card,
I can simply move related video and screenshots to use on
any pc.

With delicate data on my workstation
and priceless property in my room,
it only makes sense to have a protection setup that I can supervise whenever I feel that my privacy
is being compromised. If I owned a small business or lived with roommates, I couldn't imagine
living without it.

Streaming live video and sound from capture card
through webcam server application

Broadcasting live video and audio from capture device using web camera server software

Security application

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area,

computer application

may be the right choice for you. Using this application, it is possible to set up a
camera to detect activity and begin recording once it does.

Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the camera may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video
needs to be available off-site, can be webcast using the server's broadcasting
feature to a website.

Depending on the quality of the webcam and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition tv signal.
Using a install like this, it is possible to provide a measure of security for an area while
the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security firm or setting up a professional monitoring system.


do-it-yourself approach

can save money while not compromising on protection.

New professional security application works with
any webcam, IP cameras, and major capture cards.

Webcam software detects motion, sounds siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email

Surveillance application

has become so complicated that the normal
businessman who has been busy minding his office instead of pouring over electronics and ip
know-how articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to setup or update his surveillance system.

Fortunately, there is modern professional surveillance application that simplifies much of the decision making.
You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog CCTV system in order to modernize to a streaming
video that can be monitored from any ip connected workstation or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the
snapshots for broadcast. Until recently, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new IP
cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a tiny differently. And when you put webcams into the
mix, finding one software to rule them all was heavy.

Professional surveillance application

is now available that will work for any web camera
or IP camera and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise whatever your motion
sensors are picking up at your home or business while you can be half a globe away.
The application itself may not be easy, but it can make life simpler for you.

Watch TV TV channels live anywhere

Watch television - Online IP TVConnect to
4000 Online TV shows from your PC.
Not required of a TV tuner or decoder. Pure picture - no monthly payment needed.

Watch TV shows online anywhere. All you need is
our Internet television software,
your PC, and Internet connection.

Watching live TV is very convenient and affordable without all the wires and installation charges
it takes for regular cable or dish TV services to be hooked up.
With live TV, all you simply need is a computer and the internet, it's that easy.
Most services are available online for free and almost all large broadcasting stations like Fox,
NBC, and ABC have webpages where their stations can be viewed. There is no need to buy cable if you hardly ever
watch television when everything is available on Internet, even live broadcasting of last news.

You're very likely to find a last episode of Gossip Girl
up and running the next day. No longer reason to miss your favourite television stations!
Internet Television changes the way we watch TV.

Live TV news is used primarily for major stories and local news. The foreign bureaus have been
cut back for some time now, and the major events networks are relying mostly on 'stringers' for their foreign coverage.
Internet TV news is not a revenue making product for TV and is not expected to
improve any time soon. Money trumps news, especially in todays competitive and down market due to the economy.

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Children IQ Meal :

Fungsi :

  • Merangsang pertumbuhan otak sehingga anak menjadi lebih kreatif.
  • Makanan sehat dengan kandungan nutrisi terbaik
  • Memperbaiki kemampuan belajar dan konsentrasi
  • Mencegah kepikunan, terlambat berpikir & stress

Kandungan :

  • Kacang soya, beras kasar, non diary creamer
  • Protein Soya, lesitin, oats, vitamin
  • spirulina, biji benih psyllium, tepung susu
  • wakami, taurina
  • kolina bitartatrat
  • L sporogenes

Budimans, Tianshi

Isi :
20 gram x 15 sachets /box

Harga konsumen :
Rp 193.200,-

Harga Distributor :
Rp 168.000,-

PV/BV : 100%

Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder III

Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder III

Budimans, Tianshi

Harga konsumen :
Rp 200.100,-

Harga Distributor :
Rp 174.000,-

PV/BV : 100%

Isi: 10 gram x 10 bag/box
Aturan Pakai :
Sehari 1 x 1 , diseduh air hangat (jangan dengan air panas)

Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder III
Bubuk Kalsium Tinggi ber Nutrisi Khusus Anak-Anak

Kandungan :

  • Purely Natural Zymolityc Calcium Powder
  • Yolk Powder (bubuk kuning telur yang mengandung 10% - 13% lecitin)
  • Whole milk Powder (susu bubuk utuh berkwalitas tinggi), besi (Fe) & seng (Zinc)
  • Dilengkapi dengan : vitamin-vitamin, trace element, protein, dan berkadar mikro (9 jenis asam amino linoleic, asam linolenic, mineral) & taurine yang kaya gizi

Keistimewaan :

  • Kadar Cakcium : 3600 mg per 100 g sebanding dengan 174 kali yang terdapat dalam daging sapi, atau 40 kali yang terdapat dalam susu sapi
  • Tidak mengandung sakarida

Fungsi :

  • Memenuhi kebutuhan Calcium anak dan menyeimbangkan zat gizi (Calcium Nutrisi)
  • Mencegah kerusakan gigi pada anak
  • mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit rachitis dan penyakit lain yang disebabkan karena kurang Calcium
  • Meningkatkan fungsi otak dan tingkat intelegensia (kecerdasan) anak-anak
  • Meningkatkan daya penglihatan anak dan sebagai transmisi syaraf

Renuves Capsules (Beneficial Capsules)

Renuves Capsules (Beneficial Capsules)

Kandungan :

  • Glukosida Gymnostemma Pentaphyllum Herba,
    sebagai anti terkonsentrasinya trombosit, mencegah pengerasan pembuluh darah, menyediakan zat nutrisi yang cukup bagi sel tubuh, menjamin aliran darah berjalan lancar, menurunkan persentase terjangkitnya penyakit pembuluh darah jantung dan otak, menenangkan dan memberi gizi, menormalkan gula darah
  • Theopolyphenol :
    di ekstraksi dari daun teh segar. menghilangkan radikal bebas yang berlebihan, mempertahankan keaktifan sel-sel tubuh, meningkatkan daya imun organ tubuh, memperlambat proses penuaan, meningkatkan kekenyalan pembuluh kapiler, menurunkan tekanan darah, mencegah pembekuan darah, merangsang larutnya serat, mencegah terkonsentrasinya trombosit
  • beta karoten
    Termasuk zat jenis vitaminkrena di dalam tubuh dapat diubah menjadi vitamin A, dapat merangsang pembagian sel sehingga bermanfaat untuk gigi, tulang, perkembangan bayi normal, melindungi daya penglihatan normal, mencagah penyakit kanker, janung, otak dan pembuluh darah
  • Kandungan per 100 g :
    Theopolyphenol > 2.25 g
    Vitamin C > 1000 - 1800 mg
    Gypenoside > 5.3 g

Fungsi :

1. darah :

  • Anti oksidan alami dan anti konsentrasi trombosit
  • Menekan / mencagah pembekuan zat mirip bubur dalam darah dan menurunkan lemak darah
  • Meningkatkan kelenturan pembuluh darah
  • memperkuat daya tahan pembuluh darah
  • mengurangi penyerapan & penumpukan lemak
  • melawan pembekuan & mendorong larutnya serat
  • meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan protein

2.Usia :

  • memperpanjang umur & meningkatkan regenerasi sel-sel

3. Diabetes : menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah

4. Ginjal : menguatkan ginjal

5. hati : menyembuhkan hepatitis menular serta merangsang sel-sel hati

6. Paru-paru : tahan terhadap hypoxia ( kekurangan O2)

7. Syaraf : mengatasi penyakit susah tidur anti ketegangan, menekan rasa sakit

8. kanker : mencegah sel normal berubah menjadi sel kanker

9. Otak : menyembuhkan penyakit pembuluh darah otak

10. Organ tubuh secara umum :

  • mengatasi busung lapar sebagai herbal penyelamat kelaparan
  • penurun infeksi / penurun panas & pemunah racun

11. Gigi : memperkuat gigi

12. Kulit : anti borok

13. rambut : mencegah ubanan & melancarkan peredaran darah di kepala

Budimans, Tianshi

BML 862709008156
Isi : 0,4 gram x 150 kapsul /botol

Cara minum :
3 x 4 kapsul / hari
dengan air hangat

Indikasi khusus :
Orang yang bekerja & tinggal dilingkungan yang kurang O2

Harga konsumen :
Rp 420.900,-

Harga Distributor :
Rp 366.000,-

PV/BV : 100%